We appreciate the opportunity to introduce you to our firm, I Q T, L.L.C.
I Q T is a building survey services and systems firm headquartered in Tampa, Florida with offices in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts and Greater Hartford, Connecticut metropolitan areas, with Affiliates nationwide.
In short, our firm has been in existence for nearly twenty-five years, and as our tagline states, "Documenting The Built Environment! It’s Not Just Something We Do…It’s ALL We Do!"
To expand a bit, our professional staff is comprised entirely of individuals who are educated and degreed architects and engineers. Our employees have a calling for documenting the built environment, and have made a conscious choice to pursue this avenue of the profession rather than a traditional design career path. When engaging with our firm, you are partnering with knowledgeable professionals that aren’t just estimating and sketching lines, they are constructing a scaled model with unsurpassed precision and accuracy. We can develop existing conditions documentation as both a 3-D building information model as well as 2-D architectural plans. Our field capture process is streamlined and performed in a very unobtrusive fashion using state-of-the-art tablet computers [with PLANSurveyorTM], laser distance meters and where applicable, three-dimensional reality capture imaging/scanning. We can provide a complete architectural survey, and in addition to floor model/plans [Level One] and exterior elevation & roof model/plans [Level Two], we can also capture Enhancements such as all thru-the-wall, ceiling & floor elements [i.e.: switches, outlets, lighting/reflected ceiling, mechanical/electrical/plumbing/life safety equipment, etc.] and exposed MEP & Structural components [i.e.: ductwork, conduit, piping, beams, trusses, etc.], and even exterior site layouts [Level Four] are offered as an optional add-on. The final deliverable format resides in industry standard BIM & CAD formats, as well as the ubiquitous digital document PDF format. For peace of mind, we are covered for General Liability, Workers Compensation as well as Professional Liability which insures third party credibility with respect to the quality of the services we provide. So if you have an existing building, complex or campus that you manage, own, lease, rent or plan to remodel, renovate, rehabilitate, preserve or need to analyze, then we thank you for your interest in I Q T, and we want our experience to be your greatest advantage!